viernes, 19 de noviembre de 2021

For no rushers | Las Libelu


Recién salida del horno, aquí nos dejan otra de sus ocurrencias maravillosas, la más reciente

Esta canción libelular es una invitación a habitar nuestro propio ritmo y lentitud deshierbando las comparaciones y celebrando las pequeñas y grandes cosas de la vida, que siempre son gratis. Por ejemplo: el tiempo y la amistad. Nuestro disco OTRO MUNDO: Instagram: Facebook: 
 :: LETRA :: 
Uh, uh, uuuuh Uh, uh, uuuuh 
 I'm running late and I don't really 
care 'cos everyone has its pace so... 
who's to say who's late? 
 Uh, uh, uuuuh Uh, uh, uuuuh 
 This is for the people that don't rush
 and cherish every single 
second they have I wanna learn that! 
I must learn that! or soon I'll die I know 
'cos my heart is telling me that... 
Take your time to do nothing take your time to ?
igure out some things you need 
to know to read that book a friend 
told you about to breath in and out... 
 Uh, uh, uuuuh Uh, uh, uuuuh 
 Each one of us is great and unique, 
we all are! but if you compare yourself 
to someone else you may get lost again 
 ‘Cos there's only one you that can be you 
You gotta realize that as soon as you 
can to empower your life by making decisions 
that will make you feel alive you gotta 
do what makes you feel alive ‘cos if you 
do what you love you will always feel alive! 
 Ah, ah, ah, staying alive, staying alive! 
Ah, ah, ah, staying alive, staying alive! 
Staying alive, staying alive, staying alive! 
Ah, ah, ah, staying alive, staying alive! 
Ah, ah, ah, staying alive, staying alive! 
Oohh, I’m learning through you, my friend that 
I am when I share, I feel alive when I share Oohh, 
I’m learning through you, my friend that 
we are when we share, we feel alive when we share 
Oohh, I’m learning through you, 
my friend that union is the greatest thing we have! 
Uh, uh, uuuuh Uh, uh, uuuuh Everything is in you 
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ • Grabado en SP Estudios • Mezclado y masterizado por Sergio Peiró ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ¿QUIÉNES SOMOS? MAMEN BAUTISTA • Clarinete, body music y coros 
 LA CRIS • Composición, guitarra, beatbox, pandereta, máquina escribir y voz ROSANA NÁCHER • Flauta, body music y coros *SAMPLE: Calles de Accra (Ghana) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Si estás interesa@ en nuestro trabajo, ponte en contacto con nosotras: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Nuestro disco OTRO MUNDO: Instagram: Facebook:

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